5 Stages of the Design Thinking Process Explained

Delve into the transformative stages of the design thinking process. Innovate, ideate, and iterate your way to success.

5 Stages of the Design Thinking Process Explained - Clay

What Is Design Thinking?

The design thinking process in UX design is a way for people to solve complex problems and challenges creatively. When developing solutions, it focuses on customer’s needs, values, attitudes, and behaviors. This human-centered approach helps teams generate ideas quickly, leading to quicker results.

Source: IxDF

After defining all the core objectives in the design brief, the first step starts with deep understanding and empathy towards users so they can grasp what people want out of their product or service. Step two involves defining this problem in detail so that no solution can be too extreme or off-topic. Step three is brainstorming possible solutions and ways to fix the issue. Once solutions are gathered, the fourth step requires prototypes so users can understand what your team wants to do moving forward. Finally, users should test this prototype and give feedback so your team knows how to proceed.

By using design thinking skills, organizations can create products or services that satisfy their customers’ needs while improving loyalty in the long run.

Why Is The Design Thinking Process Important?

The design thinking process provides a structured approach for teams who need help problem-solving because it encourages innovation and valuable solutions rather than traditional answers. That being said, everyone involved in this process (primarily designers) needs to collaborate as much as possible when generating ideas because more minds are better than one sometimes!

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Group of people doing design brainstorming

Design thinking is an excellent tool for helping organizations develop new innovative ideas while staying connected with customers’ needs. By using design thinking methodology following this structured process, teams can develop creative solutions tailored specifically to customer needs while gaining valuable insights through each stage of development.

With its iterative nature and ability to foster collaboration between team members, the design thinking process is undoubtedly one of the most potent techniques available today for creating successful products or services that offer real value and benefit users in the long run.

Design thinking is a great tool to help organizations develop innovative ideas while staying in touch with customer needs. Following this structured process, teams can create solutions tailored to specific needs, gaining valuable insights at every stage.

Our work with Fiverr exemplifies this methodology, using an iterative approach that encourages collaboration and creativity. This ensures that the final products or services offer real value and benefit users in the long term. The iterative and collaborative nature of design thinking makes it a powerful method for successful product development.

Fiverr Design by Clay

4 Stages of the Design Thinking Process

Understanding the Problem

The first stage of the design thinking process is figuring out the problem. Teams must spend time researching and understanding customer wants and needs to find opportunities for improvement. This involves collecting data from various places, such as surveys, user interviews, and customer analytics, to understand better who your customers are and why they behave in specific ways. All this information helps teams solidify the problem they’re trying to tackle so that every decision they make moving forward will resonate well with users.

Once you’ve defined the problem, looking at existing solutions before developing your own is important. You want to meet your customers’ needs in ways that current solutions don’t already fill while not just re-inventing something already existing. By finding potential solutions and areas of improvement within existing products or services, teams can narrow their focus and ensure they’re addressing the right challenge.

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A person working with sticky notes on a window

This step of the design thinking process lets teams understand what improvements could be made for their customers and how those changes might be implemented into a new product or service. When you know your target audience and what they need from you, developing innovative solutions becomes much more accessible than just shooting in the dark.


With step one out, it’s time to generate some ideas! In this second stage, teams use previous research about user wants/needs/preferences/etc. to develop creative and innovative solutions tailored specifically for them. The goal here is just getting as many ideas down on paper as possible, so don’t worry too much about quality control… yet.

It’s also important during this stage for everyone on the team (if there are multiple people) to contribute their thoughts REGARDLESS HOW DUMB THEY THINK IT IS! Someone might say something illogical, but because it’s different from everyone else’s perspective, it could somehow spark a new thought that leads to the perfect product. Nothing should be off-limits.

That said, teams still have to consider practicality when brainstorming creative ideas. You don’t want to come up with ideas you’ll never be able to create given constraints like budget or timeline. Before moving forward with any idea in this stage, make sure you understand how your concept would be implemented into users’ lives and what potential issues might arise so that they can be avoided as much as possible.

Source: FORTYTWO on Unsplash

When used properly, ideation can lead to significant success for a team! It lets them flex their creative muscles while staying rooted in reality so that every solution is innovative but also practical and helpful for user needs. By leveraging each member’s unique experiences and perspectives during this stage, organizations can have confidence in knowing their product or service will resonate well with their audience… even if things aren’t perfect.


Time to bring your concept down from the clouds and onto paper (or screens). Prototyping is when teams take their abstract solution idea and turn it into something tangible that users can test to gain feedback. This step lets teams quickly see how well it fits into users’ lives and identify flaws before dumping resources into development.

The great thing about prototyping is that you can explore different solutions without committing fully to one direction. This helps teams figure out what works well and needs more refining before investing a ton of time/money/whatever else into making it real. By continuously iterating through the design thinking process, teams can refine their solutions until they’ve got something perfect for user expectations.

Source: Sigmund on Unsplash

The prototyping phase is where teams can spot weak links and, ideally, improve them quickly. By creating multiple prototypes to be tested by real users, design teams get valuable insights that help them fine-tune the concept until it truly pleases their target audience. The design team can also gain insights while the product is still being created by taking in feedback from different sources like customers and experts to ensure their end solution fully caters to its market while not wasting time or money on bad ideas.


Testing is the last step before a final product is created. Teams refine their prototype until it meets user expectations and then test it again with potential customers who can give valuable feedback that will further validate or disprove their assumptions about how well the product will do when implemented in real-life conditions.

This process helps designers learn how users interact with products so they can uncover any possible issues early on. Teams should also consider testing under different conditions, such as varying network speeds or device types. This third testing phase allows for early identification of potential problems and gives developers extra time to determine whether they are solvable before production begins.

Source: Testfort

Testing prototypes in real-life situations with real users lets designers create a product that works harmoniously with its environment and provides a great experience for those needing it. Having this level of user involvement ensures that both easy-to-spot issues and more nuanced ones get caught and fixed before release, saving everyone involved from future headaches.

What Happens After This Iterative Process?


Teams must consider all the insight garnered during previous stages as they bring their solution to life. They must know how users will adopt what they’ve made so far and know what success looks like regarding metrics/stats. A timeline for launch should be set up along with pricing strategies, distribution channels, etc. Additionally, there should be a plan for data collection during this stage so that it will be easy to measure the solution's performance and success.

Having clear goals for short-term and long-term objectives is crucial during implementation. Also important is getting user feedback throughout this process to ensure the solution meets their needs over time and doesn’t begin evolving in a harmful direction.

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A 3D person holding a smart phone with the 5 stars cloud above it

By executing these steps correctly, teams can ensure they have something worth launching while collecting information about user behavior that could prove valuable in future projects. This approach helps teams find areas of improvement quickly by constantly taking in customer feedback and keeping up with usage trends.


Evaluation is the final phase of the design thinking process, and it’s an essential one. During this stage, teams can reflect on their work and see if they’ve created something that meets user needs. They can also identify areas for improvement and determine how users interact with their solution over time.

To ensure you’re evaluating your work correctly, measure key performance indicators (KPIs) showing how well your product or service is performing against its goals. For example, you might look at customer satisfaction scores, usage frequency data, or adoption rates. You should also gather qualitative feedback to know what works well and what doesn’t about your design. This information will guide any future changes to meet better user needs.

Source: Jason Goodman on Unsplash

Evaluation should always happen throughout each iteration of the design thinking process. By constantly examining data and listening to user feedback, teams can keep improving their solutions to offer value. By reflecting on past successes and failures during evaluation, designers can learn lessons to enhance their future designs.

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When done right, the design thinking process is a super effective way to create things people need. By following each step ― empathize, define, ideate, prototype, implement, and evaluate ― teams can develop products or services that resonate with target users. Through continual evaluation and feedback gathering throughout each step of the design process — especially in empathy steps when speaking directly with customers/users — designers can gain insights into how customers interact with their solutions over time while improving upon future iterations. With this approach to problem-solving in any industry's market space – however complex it may be – innovative solutions just waiting to be discovered become more tangible.

About Clay

Clay is a UI/UX design & branding agency in San Francisco. We team up with startups and leading brands to create transformative digital experience. Clients: Facebook, Slack, Google, Amazon, Credit Karma, Zenefits, etc.

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About Clay

Clay is a UI/UX design & branding agency in San Francisco. We team up with startups and leading brands to create transformative digital experience. Clients: Facebook, Slack, Google, Amazon, Credit Karma, Zenefits, etc.

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