Avoid Bad Logos With These 5 Pro Logo Design Tips

Craft unforgettable brand identities with expert guidance! Explore five essential logo design tips to steer clear of design pitfalls and create impactful logos

Avoid Bad Logos With These 5 Pro Logo Design Tips - Clay

The logo is the first branding element customers usually see for a business. If your logo isn’t great, it will make a wrong first impression on customers, which you must avoid. You need to ensure your logo represents your brand correctly, and we are here to help you.

This article will cover the steps you need to take to improve your logo’s design. Here you will learn about the design tips and different methods a logo design agency uses to ensure they design attractive and valuable logos.

What Is a Logo?

A logo is a graphic symbol or emblem representing a company, organization, product, or idea. It's an essential tool for branding, allowing customers to identify and recognize the business they're dealing with quickly. A logo typically includes the company name and sometimes other elements such as an icon, slogan, or tagline. The design of the logo is often created by professional graphic designers who specialize in developing unique logos that capture the essence of a brand.

Source: Reddit

Examples of logos

Logos can convey certain qualities about a brand's personality — such as trustworthiness, strength, creativity, fun, and friendliness — and create an emotional connection with customers. They are highly versatile because they can be used on everything from websites to marketing materials to products. Logos should be simple and memorable so customers can quickly recognize it wherever it appears. The most successful logos are those that can combine simple shapes and colors with meaning and depth.

What Is Logo Design?

Logo design is creating a logo communicating a brand’s identity and purpose. It combines typography, graphical design elements, illustrations, and color to create a unique graphic representation of the company or product. The goal of logo design is to create a memorable and recognizable symbol that stands out from other logos in the same industry. The designer must consider many factors when creating a logo, including the target audience, existing logos in the market, current trends, and more. The most successful logos are simple yet meaningful, have an interesting shape or layout, and use colors that match the brand’s values.

Additionally, it should be versatile so it can easily be used on various products or materials without distortion or loss of quality. To ensure success with logo design projects, designers should begin by researching the company or product they’re designing for. This includes looking at other similar brands to understand what makes them unique and how their logos have been designed to fit their brand identity. It’s also important to consider how customers perceive specific colors and shapes so that its intended audience receives your logo design concept well.

Source: LinkedIn

Examples of logos

A great logo should communicate your message effectively while making an impactful impression on viewers. By keeping these points in mind when designing your logo, you can ensure your logo will stand out from competitors while expressing what makes your company unique.

Why Is Logo Design Important?

A well-designed company logo is important for branding and marketing efforts. According to a study by the University of Loyola, a logo is the most important element of a company's brand identity, followed by website design and social media presence.

Logo design is important to any business or organization's brand identity. A logo represents a company and its values, conveying the brand's overall message to customers and potential customers. It can convey professionalism, trustworthiness, expertise, and other qualities that can help a business stand out from its competitors. Simplifying complex ideas into a single image helps customers recognize a company's brand quickly and effortlessly.

On top of professional recognition, logos can also help build customer loyalty by providing them with a recognizable symbol they can identify with. In addition to recognition and loyalty, logo design is important for ensuring your branding is consistent across all mediums, from print materials to website content. This helps create a cohesive look that will make it easier for customers to find you in their searches. Logo design is essential for businesses looking to make a lasting impression on their target audience and establish themselves as an authority in their field.

Source: CQfrog

Why is a logo important? infographic

How Much Does Logo Design Cost?

Logo design costs vary depending on the complexity and scope of the project. Generally, a basic logo design can range from $50 to $500 dollars, while more complex designs with custom illustrations or drawings could cost up to $2,000 or more. The cost of logo design also depends heavily on the experience level of the designer and the quality of their work.

A professional designer with years of experience in logo design may charge more for their services than a newer designer just starting out. Additionally, incorporating animation into logos will usually increase their cost as well. Ultimately, it’s essential to consider all these factors when budgeting for a logo design to ensure you get a high-quality product that meets your needs within your price range.

Source: Kostya Markevich on Unsplash

A book of logos

How to Improve Your Logo Design in 5 Steps

Do Research

You need to design your logo for your customers. Your logo needs to be received well by your target audience. One way to create a logo and ensure it is received well is by researching your target audience, competition, and industry.

Your logo needs to represent your brand. When people see your logo, they should better understand your brand. Before you design your new logo or start improving it, research how you can do this. What does your logo need to reflect your brand correctly? It would help if you answered this question.

The best logo designing company ensures enough time is spent on this step to make the logo as great as possible. You need to make sure you do the same. If you don’t know everything you must consider during this step and want more help, you should hire a logo designing agency.

Choose The Right Colors

Using the right colors in your logo can make all the difference. Different colors can invoke other emotions from people, so you need to use colors that conjure the feelings you want people to feel when they see your logo.

Understanding color psychology is critical, and if you don’t feel you know enough about it, you can hire a logo designing agency to help you. This is important, and if you have it in your budget, you should hire professionals to help you make the right decision for your brand.

Source: Canva

Logo color wheel

Look into what different colors represent and what they can make people feel, then decide what you want your brand story and logo to make people think. You should have already done this, but if you didn’t, then do it now. Once you have your answer, choose the colors that are the right fit for your brand.

For instance, the Wealth branding case illustrates the importance of color in conveying brand values and emotions. We carefully chose Wealth's color palette of vivid greens and yellows to reflect trust, growth, and a fresh approach to estate planning. Combined with a versatile typography system, these colors helped create a modern yet timeless brand identity that resonates with users emotionally, ensuring the brand stands out in the competitive financial services market.

Wealth logo by Clay

Simplify Your Logo

Your logo should not be complicated and cluttered. If you believe it is, it’s time to simplify it. This step can make a significant impact on your logo and how successful it is. If you haven’t considered making your logo more straightforward, now is the time.

There are many benefits to having a simple logo for your brand. The main reasons why popular businesses have opted to use simple logos include the following:


It would help if you made your logo memorable. If you can’t do this, your logo design will not succeed. Simple logos are more special than complicated ones. So your logo should be simple as well. Logos are a critical part of any successful business. They are the face of the company and can have a lasting impact on customers’ memories. Logos must be memorable so customers associate the brand with positive feelings and experiences each time they see it.

Certain elements must be considered to make a brand personality or logo memorable. For example, colors should be carefully chosen as different colors evoke different emotions in people and can influence how people remember the logo. Additionally, symbols are often used in logos as they make it easier for people to remember what a brand stands for. Logos featuring shapes or patterns are also helpful when creating an easily recognizable design that stands out.

Source: Giorgio Trovato on Unsplash

Red round logo of Leica

Finally, imagery is another crucial element when designing a logo, providing an instant visual connection between the company and its customers. Simple yet powerful images can effectively characterize brands and their products, making them more easily remembered by potential customers.

Overall, memorability is essential for any successful logo design and should be considered during the creative design process. By carefully crafting logos that contain meaningful symbolism and strong visual cues, businesses can ensure that their branding efforts will have long-term effects on customers’ memories.


When people see your logo, they should be able to recognize it instantly. If they can’t, then you need to redesign your logo. Most people will only glance at your logo and not pay too much attention; they need to remember it during this brief moment. This is something that you need to consider when designing your logo. Logos are an essential part of a company's branding. A logo is a visual representation of a company’s brand identity design. It needs to be recognizable for customers to connect the brand and its products or services. Companies need to have easily recognizable logos so that customers can identify with their brand.

One way to create a recognizable logo is by using familiar shapes, symbols, and colors. Shapes like circles, squares, and triangles are familiar and can help people immediately recognize a logo. Similarly, symbols such as stars or arrows can also be used in logos to make them instantly recognizable. Colors, too, can indicate something about the company – blue might suggest trustworthiness, while yellow might suggest optimism or warmth.

Source: Carlo D'Agnolo on Unsplash

Aston Martin logo: white wings on red background

The font chosen for a logo should also be considered carefully to ensure that it is easy to read and stands out from similar logos. Many companies use their own custom fonts designed specifically for their logo, which helps add another layer of recognizability since no other brand will use the same font style.

Finally, remember that the simpler your logo design is, the easier it will be for people to recognize it. You don’t want people confused because your logo has too much going on. Instead, you should focus on creating something simple but effective that stands out from similar logos and conveys the message you want people to take away about your brand.


People shouldn’t need to figure out what your logo means. It should be apparent immediately. A simple logo will help make this possible, and that’s why you need to ensure your logo is simple enough for people to understand what it is trying to tell them instantly. When it comes to logos, clarity is key. A good logo should be easy to recognize and remember, conveying the company's mission and purpose. Logos can be simple or complex, but all should have a clear identity that stands out.

Strong colors and bold lines can help create a memorable logo, while clever typography can add another layer of meaning and depth. The clarity in logos also means they are legible, even when scaled down to small sizes such as on business cards or websites. Companies should ensure their logotype is easily read and understood at any size, avoiding overly intricate designs that may become illegible when reduced.

Source: 99.films on Unsplash

Volkswagen logo

Professional designers know how to balance the right amount of detail with adequate space between elements so that the logo remains clear and recognizable no matter the size. Overall clarity in logos will ensure that audiences understand the message being communicated by the brand quickly and effectively.

Designing For Mobile

When designing your logo, you need to think about mobile phones. Your logo must be designed to look great on mobile phones. This is easier if you have a flat and straightforward logo design, as it can be adjusted to look good on mobile and other platforms.

More people are using the internet on their mobile phones than before, meaning logo design on mobile phones needs to take priority. You don’t want your logo to look blurry or pixelated on smaller screens.

If you need help designing for mobile phones and the different screens people will be using. You should hire one of the best design companies to ensure professionals design your logo.

Look At Popular Logos

Look at the countless logos online for inspiration to help you design a perfect logo that will look great and be received well by your target audience. If you want to improve your logo, you need to look at some of the best logos in different industries and find out why they are so popular.

Once you know what makes a logo great, you can use that knowledge to improve your own logo. Avoid mistakes made by other logos and take inspiration from what makes certain logos successful and popular.

One of the most popular logos worldwide is the iconic Apple logo. The minimalist design and modern logo featuring an apple silhouette with a bite taken from it are instantly recognizable and have become synonymous with Apple’s high-quality products. The logo was designed by Rob Janoff in 1977 and has been used in almost all of Apple's marketing and advertising campaigns since then.

Source: Laurenz Heymann on Unsplash

Apple logo

The golden arches of McDonald's are also one of the most iconic logos in the world. It was first used in 1962 and has been associated with fast food ever since. This simple yet powerful symbol has been so successful that McDonald's now uses it as their official corporate logo, replacing their previous mascot, a cartoonish character known as “Speedee.”

Source: jg on Unsplash

McDonald`s logo

The Nike swoosh is another famous logo often seen on sporting apparel, shoes, and other items related to physical activities. It was created by graphic designer Carolyn Davidson in 1971 for just $35 dollars! Although she never received royalties from her designs, she eventually became recognized for her work when Nike honored her with a "Swoosh" ring made from gold and diamonds at a special ceremony in 1983.

Source: Nelson Ndongala on Unsplash

Nike logo

Finally, Coca-Cola's classic red script logo is one of the most recognized logos globally. It was created by Frank Mason Robinson back in 1885 and still remains unchanged to this day despite numerous attempts to update its look over the years. The Coke logo is more than just a refreshing drink; it encapsulates everything Coca-Cola represents: happiness, joy, and fun!

Source: Pawel Czerwinski on Unsplash

Coca-Cola cans


Following the steps in this article will help you improve your business logo’s design and increase the likelihood of it being successful and correctly representing your brand. Creating a successful logo may take time and changes, but it is worth the effort. You must ensure your logo is excellent so your branding makes a positive first impression on people. If your budget allows, you should hire a design agency to help you improve your logo. This will be worth the investment and will enhance your business’s branding.

About Clay

Clay is a UI/UX design & branding agency in San Francisco. We team up with startups and leading brands to create transformative digital experience. Clients: Facebook, Slack, Google, Amazon, Credit Karma, Zenefits, etc.

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About Clay

Clay is a UI/UX design & branding agency in San Francisco. We team up with startups and leading brands to create transformative digital experience. Clients: Facebook, Slack, Google, Amazon, Credit Karma, Zenefits, etc.

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