Power of Rebranding: Why To Redesign Your Business

Discover how rebranding can revitalize your business, attract new customers, and boost growth. Learn why a redesign is essential in this must-read article.

The Power of Rebranding: Why To Redesign Your Business - Clay

When you first started your brand, you might not have overthought your brand guidelines and target audience, or you may not have understood your target audience as well as you do now. If you think it’s time for rebranding, you should know that it’s more than just designing a new logo.

We want to help you rebrand your business successfully and avoid mistakes others made when they decided to rebrand a few years ago. If you don’t know how to rebrand, we will tell you what you can do.

What Is Rebranding?

Rebranding transforms a company's brand to better align with its current or future goals. It involves redefining the brand's core identity elements, creating a new visual appearance, and adjusting the messaging used to reach customers.

Rebranding is often undertaken to make a product more appealing to potential customers, to reflect changes in ownership or strategy, or to realign an organization’s values and objectives. At its basic level, rebranding is about designing a new logo and choosing different colors for the company’s products or services.

However, it is much more than that. Rebranding goes beyond changing just visual elements; it requires understanding how customers perceive the brand and working towards aligning all aspects of that perception with what the company wants it to be.

Rebranding must include research into customer attitudes and preferences and competitor analysis. It also requires understanding how people talk about your product or service, what they think when they hear your name, and how they feel after using it. This understanding should inform every aspect of your rebranding efforts, from logo redesigns that best represent a strong brand and what you want to evoke in customers when they see your name to communications strategies for announcing and promoting your new look.

Source: USNews

Apple, Starbucks and BP logo evolution

Once you have finalized a new identity for your company, you must ensure that all employees are aware of the changes and can communicate them effectively with customers both online and in person. Ultimately, successful rebranding requires careful planning and execution so that it resonates with existing customers while appealing to potential ones.

Types of Rebranding

Rebranding can take many forms, and businesses may focus on one or more of the following types of rebranding:

1. Visual Rebranding: This is the most commonly used type of rebranding and involves creating new, modern visuals for a brand's identity. This could include a complete logo redesign or simply refreshing colors or elements of an existing logo. The visual rebranding also includes updating product packaging and website design to feature a new look that is more appealing to potential customers.

2. Strategic Rebranding: Strategic rebranding involves changing a business’s strategy to make it more relevant in today’s market. This could include moving into new product categories, entering international markets, further brand recognition, or increasing customer service initiatives to address modern customer needs. Most importantly, strategic rebranding requires businesses to gain insight into their current and potential customers’ needs and expectations to develop a successful new strategy that will continue to drive growth in the future.

Source: GeeksforGeeks

Importance of rebranding strategy infographic

3. Positioning Rebranding: Positioning rebranding focuses on changing how customers perceive a brand by strategically targeting certain customer segments with specific messaging and imagery that better resonates with them. This type of market positioning and rebranding often requires research into how customers view the brand and what they would ideally like it to be associated with. From there, businesses should identify ways to bridge these gaps through targeted campaigns that use consistent messaging across multiple channels, such as print media, radio ads, television commercials, social media posts, etc., and through personal interactions with customers online and offline.

4. Cultural Rebranding: Cultural rebranding focuses on changing a company’s values and mission statement to connect its employees to its purpose and future direction. In addition to revising employee handbooks and guidelines, cultural rebranding may involve introducing new initiatives, such as volunteer programs or diversity initiatives, that showcase the organization’s commitment to its own success and to making positive contributions to society.

Successful rebrandings require businesses to understand their target audiences' needs while ensuring consistency throughout their branding efforts — from visuals and messaging to strategies and values — to achieve maximum impact among existing customers while appealing to potential ones interested in what they offer.

Why You Should Rebrand

There are different reasons a business should rebrand, but risks are involved, which is why you need to be sure you need to rebrand before starting this process. If you rebrand and it is not done right, you will damage your brand, and fixing it won't be easy. It may not be possible for some businesses to improve their brand after a failed rebranding.

Source: Mod Girl Marketing

Eight reasons to rebrand infographic

What are the reasons why a business should rebrand? The common reasons for rebranding are:

Mergers And Acquisitions

Mergers and acquisitions are critical to the corporate rebranding process and involve combining or purchasing two or more companies. This transaction allows companies to expand their market presence, increase their product offerings, share resources, access new technology, and build scale to remain competitive. Mergers and acquisitions can also help businesses diversify their portfolios, reduce operating expenses, increase market share, and access skilled personnel.

Source: GeeksforGeeks

Mergers & Acquisitions infographic

When a merger or acquisition is successful, it can create a powerful brand that offers customers a wide range of products and services with an established reputation for quality. Companies that successfully execute mergers and acquisitions often benefit from the experience and expertise of both organizations as well as financial benefits such as cost savings and tax advantages. Furthermore, when done correctly, mergers and acquisitions can also help to strengthen customer loyalty by providing better products or services at competitive prices.

On the other hand, when not appropriately done, mergers and acquisitions can be very expensive for both companies involved. The deal may not generate the expected results due to inflated sales estimates or uncertain markets; there may be difficulties in integrating cultures; legal issues may arise; or the venture may be too costly to continue running.

Before embarking on this type of corporate restructuring business strategy, it’s essential to consider all aspects of the merger or acquisition, including how it will affect the brand identity. Successful mergers and acquisitions require careful planning to ensure each company can leverage its strengths while minimizing any negative aspects of joining forces.

Brands should ensure they understand how to integrate their existing operations while maintaining their identity within the new entity. A thorough evaluation of potential synergies between two organizations should also occur before making any commitments so that resources are used efficiently once operations combine.

In addition, brands must consider how employees will transition into the new environment so that customer service remains consistent throughout the rebranding process.

Your Brand Has A Bad Reputation

If a brand has a bad reputation, it can be difficult for customers to trust that brand, and it may lead them to look elsewhere for products and services. Rebranding can help companies regain the trust of their customers by changing how they present themselves in the marketplace. By creating a new identity, businesses can take control of their narrative and create an entirely new public perception of their brand. Rebranding in this situation should not be about changing what customers think about your product or service; instead, it should focus on repairing trust in the company itself.

Source: Collidu

Brand reputation infographic

It should involve researching customer attitudes, competitor analysis, and understanding how people talk about your product or service. Companies must examine all aspects of their business and determine what changes they need to make to rebuild customer confidence. This could be anything from revamping customer service policies, investing in marketing efforts such as social media campaigns, or offering special deals and promotions.

It is also vital for businesses to acknowledge any mistakes that led to a bad reputation in the first place. A simple apology or explanation can go a long way toward restoring trust with customers who may have felt wronged by the business.

Additionally, businesses can work towards rebuilding trust by implementing changes that allow customers to feel more secure when interacting with them, such as providing clear terms and conditions when ordering products or services online or using secure payment processing systems that provide protection from fraud.

Finally, businesses must make sure they are communicating these changes effectively so that current and potential customers are aware of them. This could include posting updates on social media accounts or advertising campaigns highlighting the improvements made across different business areas.

It is also essential that customers are consistently provided with quality products and services following a rebrand so that they do not lose faith again due to negative experiences after trusting the company once more.

Your Branding Has Become Outdated

Staying competitive in today’s ever-changing market can be difficult when a business's branding has become outdated. Over time, consumer preferences change, and what was once popular can quickly become passé. It is essential for businesses to regularly evaluate their branding to ensure it is still resonating with their target consumers and keeping up with industry trends.

Source: Medium

Logo redesign examples

Rebranding can help companies capture new market attention and provide customers with a contemporary identity that reflects their current values and services. Rebranding can involve changing logos or slogans to revamping entire campaigns or product packaging. Companies should also consider how they will update the look of their website, social media accounts, and other digital platforms that customers interact with daily.

Additionally, businesses should assess their customer touchpoints, such as storefronts or physical marketing materials, like business cards or brochures, to ensure that everything is visually consistent across all marketing channels. It is also important for brands to consider how they will communicate the changes they are making to maintain customer loyalty throughout this process.

Rebranding can often create confusion among customers who may not be aware of the new identity until after they have interacted with the brand in some way. Businesses should share updates on their rebranding efforts through various channels, such as social media posts, emails, press releases, etc. so that customers understand why these changes are being made and how they will benefit them.

Finally, businesses must develop a brand identity that stands out from competitors while staying true to its core values. Companies should use research and analysis of customer needs and trends to inform their branding decisions and create an identity that resonates with their target audience while remaining unique in the marketplace.

Rebranding allows business owners to take control of their narrative and reach new audiences while continuing to build relationships with existing customers who trust the company’s products or services. If done correctly, rebranding can help keep companies competitive while continuing to grow well into the future.

What You Need To Know About Rebranding

Think About a Different Logo

When using rebranding strategies, considering a different logo is essential. This can be an excellent opportunity for businesses to update their brand identity and make an impact on their target consumers. Logos are the visual representation of a company’s brand and often the first thing customers recognize.

Therefore, businesses need to consider this when rebranding. When creating a new logo, businesses should consider how they want their brand to be perceived by potential customers. A simple yet memorable logo can be effective, leaving a lasting impression in the minds of consumers. Companies should also explore colors and fonts that best reflect their core values and mission statement while appearing contemporary and modern.

Source: Mariia Shalabaieva on Unsplash

Twitch logo

Additionally, businesses should evaluate existing logos from competitors to create something unique within the market and stand out from the crowd.

Furthermore, companies should ensure the new logo can be used across multiple platforms without losing quality or clarity. It should remain consistent whether on a website, print material, or digital advertisement so that customers recognize it immediately, regardless of the platform they use. Finally, businesses must test whether their new logo communicates its intended message before changing.

They can do this by running surveys or focus groups with existing customers or strangers to get feedback on what resonates with them most about the logo design and potential customer perceptions of a complete brand overhaul. These steps will help companies learn more about their target audiences and create a meaningful identity that will help them succeed in today’s competitive marketplace.

For CafePay, a payroll management platform for the restaurant industry, we developed a bespoke logomark to subtly evoke a clock, reinforcing its connection to timetables and schedules. This rebranding involved a custom serif logotype to convey timelessness and sophistication, aligning with CafePay’s mission to support the restaurant community with a blend of traditional and modern aesthetics. The comprehensive rebranding effort extended to their website, ensuring a seamless and memorable brand experience across all touchpoints.

CafePay logo by Clay

Change Your Brand’s Personality

When rebranding, companies should consider changing their brand's personality to appeal to a broader customer base. This involves taking an in-depth look at the company’s core values, mission statement, and target audience to determine what brand image they want to portray. Companies should also consider how customers view their brand before making changes to ensure the new identity resonates with them.

Businesses can create a new brand personality by emphasizing different aspects of their products or services that have not been highlighted. For example, suppose a company focuses primarily on selling outdoor apparel. In that case, it may want to emphasize its commitment to sustainable production methods or environmental protection efforts in its rebranding campaigns to appeal to customers interested in eco-friendly options.

Additionally, businesses can use visuals such as logos and colors that evoke certain customer emotions. Color psychology suggests that color palettes and specific hues can be used in branding strategies to create associations between a product or service and certain feelings or ideas important to the target audience. Furthermore, businesses should incorporate customer feedback into their rebranding process so that they know what resonates with them the most and use this information to create a unique yet recognizable identity.

Source: LinkedIn

Brand personality examples of brands

Companies can do this by running surveys or focus groups with existing customers or strangers who fit within their target demographic and asking for opinions on various elements of the business’s services or products. By taking into account customer feedback during the rebranding process, businesses increase their chances of successfully creating an identity that stands out from competitors while still remaining true to its core values and mission statement.

Finally, businesses must ensure consistency throughout all channels when communicating changes made during the rebranding process so that current and potential customers understand why these changes were made and how they will benefit them. This could include updating websites, social media accounts, physical materials like business cards or brochures, advertisements, etc., with the new branding elements so that customers have one unified experience when interacting with the company regardless of the platform used.

By considering all these steps during the rebranding process, companies can create an engaging identity that appeals to current customers while attracting new ones.

Rebranding Can Take Time

Rebranding can take time. It is a long and detailed process that requires careful planning and execution to ensure success. Companies need to research their target audience, create a unique identity that stands out from competitors, and test the effectiveness of the new branding elements before completely changing them across all channels. Companies should also consider how their existing customers view the brand and incorporate feedback into rebranding.

Although it may seem like a daunting task, rebranding can be beneficial for businesses in the long run. It allows them to update their identity while staying true to their core values, reach new audiences, and remain competitive in an ever-changing marketplace. Rebranding involves four stages: exploration, definition, design, and implementation. During the exploration phase, businesses must conduct market research to identify customer needs and trends and determine what makes them stand out from competitors.

Source: Lukas Blazek on Unsplash

This research should include surveys, interviews with current customers, and focus groups with potential customers who fit the company’s target demographic. The definition stage involves creating a mission statement and core values that align with customer interests while setting them apart from competitors regarding product or service offerings. The design stage requires companies to create visual brand elements, such as logos or colors, that evoke certain emotions important to the target audience while remaining modern and contemporary.

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Rebranding is more than just designing a new logo. It would help change your brand externally and internally to make rebranding successful. This is a long process, and it will take time for people’s perceptions to change about your brand, but you need to follow your rebranding strategy and ensure your rebranding is consistent.

When rebranding, you must ensure the new brand will help you connect with your customers. Understand what they want and how you can help them. This will help you rebrand successfully and change people’s perceptions of your existing brand.

About Clay

Clay is a UI/UX design & branding agency in San Francisco. We team up with startups and leading brands to create transformative digital experience. Clients: Facebook, Slack, Google, Amazon, Credit Karma, Zenefits, etc.

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About Clay

Clay is a UI/UX design & branding agency in San Francisco. We team up with startups and leading brands to create transformative digital experience. Clients: Facebook, Slack, Google, Amazon, Credit Karma, Zenefits, etc.

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